Connecting Buyers, Sellers, and Agents in One Smart Platform

Discover A New Agent, the platform where trusted real estate experts bid to represent you, giving you the power to choose the best offer.

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I’m a buyer

It’s free, fast, and simple. Just enter your email, the zip codes you’re interested in, and your price range. Within 24 hours, you’ll receive the contact information and the 3 lowest bids from local, licensed real estate agents. You can choose to work with one or none—it’s up to you.

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I’m a Seller

It’s free, fast, and easy. Enter your email, zip code, and an estimate of your home’s value. Within 24 hours, you’ll get the contact information and the 3 lowest bids from local, licensed agents. You decide whether to work with one of them or not.

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I’m an agent / broker

Provide your details and choose the zip codes you want to work in—no limit, as long as you’re licensed in those states. Get bid requests from buyers and sellers, set your fee, and submit your bid. The lowest 3 bids get shared with buyers and sellers, along with your contact info.

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