About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is simple… to connect buyers and sellers of real estate with local, licensed, experienced real estate agents that will represent them for the lowest fee available.

We launched this website for 2 simple reasons

1.   We want buyers and sellers to be able to see the lowest fees available for professional representation for their real                estate transaction, and connect them to those agents.

2.   Increase the opportunity for real estate agents to compete for business.

Providing opportunities for real estate agents to compete

Most people prefer to get their goods and services for the lowest price that they can.  People looking to buy and sell real estate are no different.   We provide a platform that allows those looking to buy or sell the opportunity to find the lowest fees available for professional real estate services from local, experienced, licensed agents.

The real estate industry provides significant challenges for many agents.  One of those challenges is connecting with new clients.  By connecting agents with buyers and sellers we create the ultimate win-win situation.

Everybody wins with A New Agent.